Dear MHCS parents/guardians,
Welcome back to Mary Help of Christians School! In the name of the Salesian Sisters, I welcome current and new families who are collaborating with our faculty and staff to launch a new scholastic school year 2020-2021. The Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco have been serving the youth of Laredo since 1935. We are excited to begin another school year with a rigorous curriculum and faith-filled formation to our young people.
I have challenged our faculty, staff, parents, and students to aim for high academic excellence by working diligently to achieve the Blue Ribbon Recognition. In order to be acknowledged for this great achievement, grades third through eighth need to obtain a percentage of 85 in both reading and math in the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). For our new families, the tests are taken in April to measure achievement incrementally over a period of time. This great endeavor will require time, committment, and cooperation from everyone. I invite all of us to take on this challenge. I know together we can do it!
Thank you again for entrusting your child/ren to our care and giving us the opportunity to serve them.
May God bless all of you and your loved ones! Be assured of my prayers!
Prayerfully in the Hands of Our Lady,
Sister Vuong M. Do, FMA
10 East Del Mar Boulevard, Laredo, Texas 78041, United States