Mary Help of Christians School strives for high standards of Catholic education by following the curriculum guidelines of the Texas State Standards and the guidelines and directives proposed by the TCCB ED. The school's curriculum for grades 1-8 includes: RELIGION, MATHEMATICS, LANGUAGE ARTS (including ENGLISH, SPELLING, WRITING, PENMANSHIP, and VOCABULARY), SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES, SPANISH, ART, MUSIC, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, LIBRARY and COMPUTER.
Mary Help of Christians School operates a 3 year old development/academic program with an emphasis on Religion, letter and number recognition, fine motor skills, and phonics.
Mary Help of Christians operates a developmental/academic program for 4 and 5 year olds, which builds on the PK 3 program. It includes Religion, Sing-Spell-Read-and-Write Program, Language Arts, Foundations, Touch Math and Saxon Math, Social Studies, Science, P.E., Art, Music, and Computer classes.
Religious instruction and Faith formation is an integral part of a child's growth and a central part of the Catholic/Salesian identity of our school. Teachers of Religion follow the National Catechetical Directory as well as the guidelines of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Diocesan Curriculum.
The purpose of computer instruction at Mary Help of Christians is to inform our students of the technology resources that are available and the skills needed to navigate the digital world. Technology is an ongoing process and is continually changing. It demands constant learning. When technology is truly integrated into the curriculum, it is transparent and routine. The use of technology tools are most effective with they become an integral part of how the classroom functions.
Students in grades PK3-8 participate in art class once a week with a specialized art instructor. The art curriculum includes instruction in techniques, projects, art history and art appreciation.
Students in grades PK3-8 participate in music class once a week with a specialized music instructor. The music curriculum includes instruction in performance, music theory, and music appreciation.
Mary Help of Christians library strengths and supports the curriculum. Students have a regular library period each week. The library is open daily from 8:15 am to 3:00 pm for scheduled class visits and after school on Monday and Tuesday, and the scheduled Saturdays for AR testing will be announced.Throughout the year, Mary Help of Christians sponsors book fairs to enhance home collections of reading material and to expand the school's repertoire of books. Lost library books are subject to a fee of $20.00.
Participation in Physical Education is required for all students in accordance with the Texas Education Agency requirements. PE grades reflect skill, participation, and student's responsibility in dressing our with the required PE attire.
Students excused from PE still dress out. Only a written slip from a doctor to the PE teacher will excuse a student from PE activity and will be given an alternative written assisgnment.
Religion: K-8th grade----------- Loyola
Math: K-8th grade-----------Saxon
8th grade-------------Algebra I
Science: 1st-5th grade----------Harcourt
6th-8th grade---------Pearson
Social Studies: 1st-5th grade----------Macmillian/Mcgram Hill Glencoe
6th-8th grade---------Pearson
Reading/Literature: 1st-6th grade----------Scott Foreman
6th-8th grade---------Pearson (Literature)
Vocabulary: 6th-7th grade---------Sadlier
Grammar: 4th-8th grade---------Loyola
10 East Del Mar Boulevard, Laredo, Texas 78041, United States